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Direct contact with Adriatic College
Understanding the importance of making the right school choice for your child, we invite you to ask any questions you may have regarding the school's operations, educational programmes, and extracurricular life at Adriatic College. Our team is ready to provide all the necessary information to help you make an informed school choice.
Please use the form below to contact us. We guarantee prompt processing of your query and will provide comprehensive information about our school.
School Phone
+382 69 32 41 02School Opening Hours (Montenegro Time)
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 7:30 PM
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
If you have any general questions about the school, please email us. We guarantee prompt and attentive consideration of all enquiries. We aim to provide comprehensive and transparent information about the school's operations.
info@adriaticcollege.com+382 69 32 41 02
Why is Adriatic College popular among students and parents?
The combination of international approaches in education provides students with a comprehensive education and prepares them for entry into leading universities. Accreditation by the Montenegrin Ministry of Education confirms the high standard of educational programs and opens up additional opportunities for study both within the country and abroad.
The multinational teaching staff and various extracurricular activities contribute to the well-rounded development of students.
Adriatic College pays excellent attention to student safety and health, maintaining strict safety measures and comprehensive programs for physical and psychological well-being.
The school's location on the Adriatic coast creates a unique educational environment, making Adriatic College attractive for international education.
International and National Accreditations

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP)

Pearson Edexcel

International Primary Curriculum (IPC)

Accreditation from the Montenegrin Ministry of Education