News and Events at Adriatic College
"Dan naopako" u Adriatic College: Učenici postaju Učitelji!
February 21, 2024
Radujemo se što možemo najaviti povratak jedinstvenog i inspirativnog događaja - "Dan naopako", koji će se održati 21. februara. Nakon ogromnog uspjeha prošle godine, ponovo nudimo našim učenicima da se na jedan dan preobrate u uloge učitelja.
Prošle godine u Adriatic College već smo sproveli takav eksperiment. To je bilo istovremeno zabavno, zanimljivo i korisno! Stoga 21. februara "Dan naopako" se vraća, i mi ponovo nudimo učenicima da postanu učitelji na jedan dan.

✍️ Učitelji će pomoći pripremiti se za čas, izabrati temu i odabrati interaktivne zadatke. Biće uz mlade pedagoge na svakom koraku, a u "Danu naopako" podržaće ih u učionici!
Dragi učenici Adriatic College, ako želite isprobati svoje snage u ulozi učitelja, obratite se Odjelu za podršku i razvoj učenika 🙌

Why is Adriatic College popular among students and parents?
The combination of international approaches in education provides students with a comprehensive education and prepares them for entry into leading universities. Accreditation by the Montenegrin Ministry of Education confirms the high standard of educational programs and opens up additional opportunities for study both within the country and abroad.
The multinational teaching staff and various extracurricular activities contribute to the well-rounded development of students.
Adriatic College pays excellent attention to student safety and health, maintaining strict safety measures and comprehensive programs for physical and psychological well-being.
The school's location on the Adriatic coast creates a unique educational environment, making Adriatic College attractive for international education.
International and National Accreditations

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP)

Pearson Edexcel

International Primary Curriculum (IPC)

Accreditation from the Montenegrin Ministry of Education